15+ years of impact in Guatemala

By Marianne Dupre

Compassionate Eye Foundation first connected with the small, remote community of Tuixoquel, Guatemala in 2005, when founding board member Robert Kent visited after his interest was piqued by a CBC interview with a B.C. woman working in the area.

Interest soon turned into viable support for the tiny community starting with initial infrastructure projects, like building a classroom, followed by extended support for education programs ranging from pre-school and primary school for children grade 1 through 6, to a scholarships for grades 7 to 9 students, and a computer program.

Gratitude knows no bounds

Students of Cantón Bella Vista primary school in the Village of Tuixoquel, Comtancillo, in Guatemala found a creative way to demonstrate their heartfelt thanks to CEF for new opportunities to learn. Funding targeted towards education not only offers students a better chance at a brighter future, but also helps to support the entire community.

Estudiantes Becados  con la leyenda que dice=  Fundación Ojo de Compasión....JPG

In this photo, students expressed thanks in their native Mayan tongue Mopan, the language of the village spoken in addition to Spanish. From left to right, we see scholarship recipients Genaro Roberto, (grade 9) and Brendy Maricela (grade 8), Olga Lorena, and Edilma Rebeca (grade 8).

Tuixiquel falls just below the government threshold for the number of students required to supply a village school. Without CEF’s support, students would need to travel significant distances to neighbouring communities for education opportunities.

At the Cantón Bella Vista primary school in Tuixoquel, CEF funds were instrumental in helping open students’ hearts and minds. Funds helped to equip a computer lab with laptops and an internet connection that allowed students to discover new worlds beyond the Tuixoquel.

foto No. 4 los niños de quinto aplican los accesorios del programa de  paint.JPG

Here, a young fifth-grader is thoroughly engrossed, applying newly acquired MS Paint skills he learned in the computer lab.

Precious little hands made all things bright and beautiful, and the shining faces of these pre-school girls with their craft creations says it all.

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Funding from CEF provided an educational boost to children of all ages. Creative learning often takes place outside the walls of a traditional classroom. Ongoing funding from CEF enabled the Cantón Bella Vista primary school to expand its learning options to awaken young minds.

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In this photo, teacher Mirtala Mercedes (right) was happy to step out of her computer lab for a few hours to help a student plant a tree on the school grounds. Tree planting was part of student activities to help celebrate Arbor Day on May 22, 2019.

Thanks to the ongoing contributions of CEF supporters - including volunteers, photographers, and people who buy our images - we’re proud we can continue to support children’s education in communities like Tuixoquel.