London Summer Solstice - First Half-of-the-Day Report

Kevin Moore, reporting from our London Summer Soltice Shoot Location, gives us the scoop on what happened during the first day: Things got off to a running start this morning with David Oxberry shooting photos of his daughter Edie on a swing in the garden before the other photographers had even finished setting up.  Then Rob Daly got things going in the sitting room with photos of Tabitha and Rollo playing with an iPad on a big white shag carpet.  Later their parents joined them on the couch for some lovely family shots.  Philippa Cooper was shooting head-shots in another room against a white backdrop that filled up the entire space. There wasn't much room for maneuvering and apparently some of her lights exploded, but all was made well by little Edie Oxberry who demanded the photographer's attention for at least an hour while giggling merrily and playing with balloons.  Meanwhile, David Oxberry moved into the kitchen to photograph "mom and dad working from home".

Everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch prepared by Angie Daly and her production assistants.  There are several new faces this year, myself included, and spirits are high as we all know we're working hard for a good cause. Now the photographers are relocating to various rooms in the house to prepare for the afternoon shoots.  Secretly everyone seems to be awaiting the arrival of a new model: a one month old baby!  Hopefully she's ready for the attention.